Hello people!
Read Xueling laoshi's blog!She's very inspiring! :D (& she's getting married and me and the Jms are invited!)Really suprised that we were invited when I heard the news from Karen today.Cause Xueling only taught us during the rehearsals and stuff.I still remember was quite intimidated by her during the auditions,haha =X
A little sentence quoted from her blog "You just need to be even better than where you are today; not better than someone else."
Yeap.Im always comparing with other people,got to STOP IT,ugh.As long as I improve each and everyday and stuff,its no use comparing.There will always be someone better than you,and another person better than that someone,so on.
Today's full dress rehearsal wasn't really good,couldn't hear ourselves sing,and that is reeaally baaad.I don't feel secure when I can't hear myself,hope the concert's much better.Sasha said I didn't let loose and stuff.Paticularly only me. :( Gotta be more relax and have FUN!
Saw the dancers rehearse too,I WANNA LEARN G-STYLE!At first was confused over the 3 types but after seeing the performances,decided to take G-style after O's! G-STYLE is girl's hip-hop and New Jazz.At first I didn't like the Jazz part,but seems pretty cool,so whatever,haha.I got 3 people thinking of joining dance after O's too! Georgina,Cynthia & Clar! =D
With GOD all things are possible.